Macros. Carbs. Proteins. Fats. Pre-workout snacks. Post-workout meals. Calories. Ratios. Supplements.
Learning something new can be overwhelming. We get it! But we firmly believe that it’s important to understand your nutrition so that you can take ownership of your health and fitness once and for all. Whether you’re losing fat or building muscle, your body requires energy and the type of energy you need depends a lot on the type of work your body does and the way your body responds. We created a Macronutrient Calculator to help you determine your macro needs based on your DEXA and RMR results and we also offer personalized data-based macro plans, but what if you don’t know what macros are in different foods?
We think the best way to learn more about nutrition-packed foods that match your macro ratios is to track your food intake in an app (we like My Fitness Pal). Even if you choose not to track long term, tracking temporarily helps you get a deeper understanding of what you’re eating and helps you learn how to piece together meals that adhere to your macro recommendations. However, to help you get an at-a-glance look at some of your favorite snacks and foods, we created this macro cheat sheet to help you make quick, smart decisions about what to include in your meal plans or snacks. The next time you’re unsure how to satisfy a craving while still sticking to your plan, check out the cheat sheet. Be sure to read labels and adjust your portion sizes to meet your nutrition requirements.
Still need one-on-one help learning to count macros and plan meals? Looking for support and accountability while you create new healthy habits? Set up a FREE 15-minute with our certified nutrition coach to find out how we can help.

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