Our nutritionists offer a variety of nutrition services and nutrition coaching options to support your needs, but every service we offer has something in common, they are personalized and evidence-based. All of us at Live Lean Rx Houston have varied professional backgrounds in data analysis, health science, fitness, personal training, sports coaching and are Precision Nutrition certified nutritionist. We’ll help you cut through the vast nutrition information available to create an effective calorie/macro nutrition plan and provide lifestyle coaching to ensure you reach your goals.
Live Rx Houston Nutritionists

Why Live Lean Rx Houston Nutrition Coaching?
Our nutrition coaching and personalized calorie and macro plans are based on data from your actual body metrics and lifestyle information, not from height, weight, age and gender estimations as most other nutritionists do. The end result is an accurate, actionable and affordable plan that perfectly works with your unique lifestyle. All nutrition coaching is virtual by video or phone making it accessible and convenient to your busy schedule. You only need to visit our clinic to meet us and get your DEXA Scan and RMR Metabolic Rate tests completed so we’re always available near you!
No other nutritionists or weight loss clinic have the advantage we do, as we have a state-of-the-art testing facility that includes a clinical GE DEXA scan as well as a KORR Cardio Coach Pro metabolic cart. We don’t guess-we measure, test and analyze to create the perfect plan based on your DEXA scan and RMR test results for YOUR body. If you’re already fit or an athlete trying to push to the next level, we have VO2 Max testing and a partner for functional medicine to ensure you make that goal!
Learn Lifelong, Sustainable Nutrition from Live Lean Rx Houston!
Nutrition is one of the largest factors, along with sleep and exercise, in how you perform, look and feel. The number one reason most people do not get the results they want in the gym, get a decent night’s sleep, or have the energy to get through a full day is simply because their diet is not supporting their goals. Our data-driven nutrition services model and lifestyle nutrition coaching ensures your diet is matched to your body and your activity to get the results you want. That’s what we call ‘dialed in’ and when that happens, you start to get transformational rather than frustrating and inconsistent change.
In any of your encounters with us, from our Nutrition Quick Start Plan (NQS) to our full Nutrition Coaching Memberships and even your initial clinic testing visit, we’ll teach you what we know as fast as possible. We don’t believe in creating dependence or ‘tethering’ our clients, we’ll teach you how to eat to get the results you want!
Everyone at Live Lean Rx Houston are Precision Nutrition certified nutrtionists and all of us have also been through personal body transformations and stay fit with the same principles and practices we teach our clients. Since 2018, we have worked with thousands of clients, personal trainers and medical practitioners in building the experience and reputation of getting people where they want to be. Book an appointment and let us get you there too!
Nutrition Quick Start (NQS) Plan $99
Get a personalized calorie and macro plan based on YOUR body’s metrics plus a 45 minute Nutrition Coaching session. Your customized plan will include calorie, macronutrient, and supplement recommendations and suggestions for improving your fitness and lifestyle. Additional sessions can be purchased al cart or in a membership as your body composition or goals change.
A Nutrition Quick Start (NQS) Plan is ideal if:
- You understand nutrition basics, macros, meal planning, and calorie tracking but want an accurate baseline starting point.
- You’re ready to get started on goals but don’t want a membership.
- You have an existing network of support and accountability.
Nutrition Quick Start (NQS) Includes:
- 45 min Coaching Session with a nutritionist.
- Personalized Calorie and Macro Plan worked up by the nutritionist, based on your DEXA and RMR results.
- Calorie and macro plan will include a professional assessment of your exercise calories that will give you enough calories to excel in workouts, without eating through your deficit.
Quick Start Plan requires having had a DEXA Scan and preferably a DEXA Scan + RMR test for our nutritionists to give you the most accurate plan.
Want to get your complete DEXA body composition analysis plus an RMR metabolic assessment plus a Nutrition Quick Start (NQS) plan at our lowest price? Book our money saving combo below and let’s get started!
- Includes DEXA Scan + Fit3D Scan + RMR metabolic testing and our Nutrition Quick Start (NQS). The Nutrition NQS includes a personalized calorie and macro plan plus a 45 min coaching session with one of our nutritionist.
- Book the DEXA + RMR + Fit3D + Nutrition QS Combo on our appointments page. During your body analysis visit, we will schedule a follow-up appointment with one of our nutritionists. Nutrition QS appointments are scheduled promptly at your convenience and are virtual or by phone, no need to come back in!
Nutrition Coaching Membership $165
Whether you’re looking to drop body fat or enhance your performance and physique, we offer nutrition coaching memberships that offer you the support and expertise you need at the best value available. Living a healthy lifestyle requires a healthy understanding of nutrition. It also requires consistency, and to stay consistent you need support.
Our Nutrition Coaching Membership is ideal for you if:
- You’re tired of the yo-yo diet roller coaster.
- You are ready, willing, and able to transform your body and your life.
- You know what you need to do but you need help sticking with it consistently.
- You frequently tweak and tune your training and want expert support with matching your nutrition to your goals.
- You’re preparing for a competition or sporting event.
- You’re going through aging or life changes and want optimal nutritional support and guidance.
- You want a mentor that supports and teaches you how to create and maintain healthy nutrition habits for a sustainable lifestyle.
Nutrition Coaching Membership includes:
- Monthly – 45 min video/phone full coaching session.
- Bi-Weekly – Phone Check-ins
- Text messaging support
- Food tracking support and monitoring by nutritionist.
- 50% off DEXA Scans for progress tracking.
Nutrition Coaching clients get discounted pricing on DEXA, RMR and VO2 follow-up test! These let you check your progress, know your plan is working and ensures your nutrition coaching is based on updated information about your unique body and goals.
Nutrition Coaching Memberships are highly personalized and requires a baseline DEXA + RMR test for our nutritionist to fulfill as accurately as possible. Book our money saving DEXA + RMR + Fit3D combo special now for only $179.